A Word In Favour Of Physical Music

As a method of procrastination, I’ve been sorting out my music shelves. Again. It’s a lot more work that really necessary- ergo, perfect for slacking. However, it got me thinking just how much better music is as a physical form- be it vinyl records or CDs. Continue reading

Concerning David Bowie, And Slacking.

It’s a Sunday afternoon. There’s a record fair on at the New Continental right now, but I’m not going- mainly because the weather is pretty horrible today, and I don’t really want to brave it just to find that I’m outpriced at every possible moment. Continue reading

Some Stream-of-consciousness About Board Games

I’m writing this in the UCLan library, as a way of not going insane because of the mind-numbing nature of my dissertation. It’s comparing the types of listed buildings between an urban area (Liverpool) and a semi-rural (the rest of Lancashire). In short, it’s rather dull. So I’m going to brighten my day somewhat a talk nonsense for a little while. Continue reading